
GoForMet (G4M) is a set of highly specialized modules which can be assembled according to our customer needs either as an all-in-one environmental web application or as individual products for climatology, agriculture, early warning systems, media support, and data switching systems.


GoForMet (G4M) - All-In-One

G4M system is an all-in-one environmental web application designed for the present with the future in mind:

  • The system can receive, download, store, process, and display any meteorological, climatological, oceanic, environmental, and topographic geo-referenced data compatible with OGC standards.
  • The GUI allows users to consult the remote data catalogs directly (e.g., Copernicus, Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF on Amazon, etc.) and to either display on-the-fly the data or schedule them for download. Drag&drop functionality is also available for several vectorial formats (GeoJSON, TopoJSON, GPX, IGC, KML).
  • A bunch of high-level tools are available for the user to edit, annotate or analyze data once displayed on the screen.
NWP model data analysis
Temperature filtering on the geostationary satellite IR image
  • For scalability, it has a modular and open architecture.
  • Each module has a fine granularity at a functional level, allowing custom configurations down to a high level of detail.
  • We are using the Docker Swarm for High Availability in production.
  • The fully Web-based User Interface allows all current operations to be performed fully remotely.
  • The system can be easily expanded at any moment due to its open infrastructure architecture.

It is built on NodeJS, an open source, cross-platform server environment, and a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.

The interfaces are developed in React, a JavaScript library originally developed for Facebook that builds user interfaces that involve high user interaction and view updates.

All the web servers used by the GoForMet application are built on top of ExpressJS, a minimal as well as flexible web application framework with very robust API features developed and maintained by the foundation of NodeJS.

Modular architecture

GoForMet includes several modules, the main ones being briefly described below. Not all the modules are included in the delivery, but only those necessary for the proper operation of the system according to the customer specifications.

Each GoForMet module is an ExpressJS server providing its own REST API and provide specific functionalities described in detail in this documentation.

The modules enumerated below can be either standalone modules or part of a more complex architecture.


G4M-COMET module - data connections monitoring


G4M-Web screens module - annotation mode



G4M-End-user-lab module - add data layer during a fly-over configuration.